Holiday Drive In Movie: The Grinch (2018)
The Grinch and his loyal dog, Max, live a solitary existence inside a cave on Mount Crumpet. His main source of aggravation comes during Christmastime when his neighbors in Whoville celebrate the holidays with a bang. When the Whos decide to make Christmas bigger and brighter, the disgruntled Grinch realizes there is one way to gain peace and quiet. With help from Max, the green grump hatches a scheme to pose as Santa Claus, steal Christmas and silence the Whos' holiday cheer once and for all. (Description from Rotten Tomatoes)
Rating: PG | Time: 1 hour 26 minutes
Tickets: gifted to you by Visit Buda, TX!
Reservation Required
Buda Trail of Lights
See the wonder of holiday lights with the first ever drive thru version of Buda Trail of Lights!
Fireworks Shows!
Strategically placed to watch from your neigborhood! Watch a 15 minute fireworks show to bring in the holidays.
Santa Neighborhood Drive-Thrus
Step out onto your front yard to waive hi to Santa as he drives right in front of your house!
Budafest Restaurant Week
Participating restaurants will be serving up a secret menu for Budafest week only!
Budafest Holiday Shopping Week
Purchase an item from the holiday gift guide featuring our local stores and receive a free commemorative Budafest Holiday Tour 2020 enamel pin! (while supplies lasts)